Pierre Desrochers

The Life and Work of Jane Jacobs

Author Jane Jacobs (1916-2006) played a major role in my intellectual development. A number of obituaries were published following her death. I recommend the following ones:
 A very detailed Online Memorial Weblog and her Wikipedia entry contain several links to articles, interviews and blog entries about her life and work.
 Review of Eyes on the Street. The Life of Jane Jacobs by Robert Kanigel (Alfred A. Knopf, 2016) and Becoming Jane Jacobs by Peter Laurence (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2016). Urban Geography, vol. 39, no. 6 (2018), pp. 963-967.
 Bernstein, Adam. 2006. “Jane Jacobs, 89; Writer, Activist Spoke Out Against Urban Renewal.” The Washington Post, April 26.
 Gerard, Warren. 2006. “Jane Jacobs, 89: Urban Crusader.” Toronto Star, April 27.
 Horwell, Veronica. 2006. “Jane Jacobs – Urban Philosopher and Activist With An Intimate Interest in How Things Work.” The Guardian, April 28.
 Husock, Howard. 2006. “Jane Jacobs, 1916–2006.” City Journal, April 27.
 Ikeda, Sandy. 2006. “Jane Jacobs.” The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, September.
 Martin, Douglas. 2006. “Jane Jacobs, Urban Activist, Is Dead at 89.” The New York Times, April 25.
 –. 2006. “Jane Jacobs, Anatomiser of Cities, Died on April 24th, Aged 89.” The Economist, May 11.
 > Two lenghty video interviews of Jacobs were conducted by World Bank staffers in 2002 and are available here and here.
 > CBC Archives, “Remembering Jane Jacobs.”
 > Jane Jacobs (7MB) / Jane Jacobs – uncut interview (13MB) / Jane Jacobs – uncut interview – audio only (7MB)