

Founded in 1977, the Canadian Regional Science Association is the only organization dedicated exclusively to regional research in Canada.

CRSA members are drawn from the academic, public and private sectors and include economists, geographers, planners, sociologists and political scientists. They study the geographic dimensions of urban, rural and regional economies, human settlements, and policies related to cities and regions.



The Canadian Regional Science Association...

Publishes Canadian Journal of Regional Science, a high quality refereed journal, three times per year.

Holds an annual meeting, sometimes under the auspices of the Congress of Social Sciences and Humanities.

Organizes conferences and seminars on topics of special interest.

Allocates travel fund grants for attendance at the Annual Meeting using funds provided by the Social Science and Humanities Research Council.

Takes an active role with other associations in the North American Regional Science Council.

Represents the interests of Canadian regional scientists as member of the Humanities and Social Science Federation of Canada.

CRSA's Executive Commitee
as of July 2009

President: Bill Anderson, University of Windsor
Vice President: Richard Shearmur, INRS-UCS
Executive Director: Pierre-Marcel Desjardins, Université de Moncton
Secretary Treasurer: Pierre Desrochers, University of Toronto Mississauga
Editor CJRS: John Miron, University of Toronto


Ontario: vacant
British Columbia ::
Roger Hayter, Simon Fraser University
Atlantic: Tim Reiffenstein, Mount Allison University
Quebec: Danielle Lafontaine, Université du Québec à Rimouski
At large: Mike Buzzelli, University of Western Ontario
At large: David Doloreux, University of Ottawa

contact US

Richard Shearmur
3465, Durocher Street
Montreal, Quebec
Canada H2X 2C6

Telephone: 1-514-499-4052
Fax: 1-514-499-4065
Email: Richard_Shearmur@inrs-urb.uquebec.ca

Constitution as of July 2009

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