Wikipedia – Planet of the Human.
Rotten Tomatoes – Planet of the Humans.
In the Producers’ words
(5) Michael Moore Presents: A Livestream Discussion and Q&A With Extinction Rebellion – YouTube (May 4, 2020).
Planet of the Humans’ Earth Day Live Stream with Michael Moore, Jeff Gibbs and Ozzie Zehner (April 22, 2020).
Controversy (surveys, opinions)
Moore’s Boorish Planet of The Humans: An Annotated Collection (getenergysmartnow.com)
Podcasts – In The Tank (Ep240) – Review: Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans | Heartland Institute
Davies, Stephen. 2020. The Unacknowledged Logic of Radical Environmentalism – AIER (May 20).
Delingpole, James. 2020. Delingpole: Michael Moore Is ‘Hero’ to ‘Climate Deniers’, Whines Guardian (breitbart.com) (May 9).
Burnett, H. Sterling. 2020 News – Leftists Push for Removal of Progressive Champion Moore’s ‘Planet of the Humans’ Film | Heartland Institute (May 7).
Climate Nexus. 2020. “More on Moore” (May 6).
Desmogblog. 2020. Fossil fuel-backed climate deniers rush to promote Michael Moore’s ‘Planet of The Humans’ | RenewEconomy (May 5).
Lindahl, Chris. 2020. “‘Planet of the Humans’ Finds Michael Moore Pitted Against Left-Wing Activists He Once Inspired.” Yahoo! Entertainment (May 4).
Milman, Oliver. 2020. “Climate Experts Call for ‘Dangerous’ Michael Moore Film to be Taken Down.” Guardian (April 28).
Donnelly, Michael. 2020. The Meltdown of the Careerist Greens – CounterPunch.org (April 27).
Ebell, Myron. 2020. Hurry, See “Planet of the Humans,” Before It’s Banned – Competitive Enterprise Institute (cei.org) (April 24).
Richardson, Valerie. 2020. Michael Moore turns on climate left with film skewering green energy – Washington Times (April 24).
Delingpole, James. 2020. Delingpole : Michael Moore Is Now the Green New Deal’s Worst Enemy (breitbart.com) (April 23).
Reviews (by ideological perspective)
From your professor
Desrochers, Pierre and Joanna Szurmak. 2020. “From Blue Collar Icon to Green Radical.” New Geography (May 29).
Desrochers, Pierre and Joanna Szurmak. 2020. Master Resource
- The Flawed Worldview of ‘Planet of the Humans’ (Part II) (May 21).
- The Flawed Worldview of “Planet of the Humans (Part I) (May 20).
Desrochers, Pierre. 2020. « Michael Moore Acknowledges: There Are No Alternatives to Energy Reality.” AIER (May 7).
Mixed: Pro-growth, anti-Malthusian
Hayward, Steven. 2020. The Green God That Failed — Almost | RealClearEnergy (May 28).
Royal, Todd. 2020. The Dangerous Consequences of Renewables in the Age of COVID-19 | Newgeography.com (May 14).
Driessen, Paul. 2020. Michael Moore and Driessen agree! Wind, solar and biofuel energy are devastating Planet Earth – CFACT (May 9).
Toto, Christian. 2020. Michael Moore Ditches Green Movement For Climate Commies (climatechangedispatch.com) (May 8).
Van Hecken, Gert and Vijay Kolinjivadi. 2020. Planet of the dehumanized – Uneven Earth (May 7).
Cook, Michael. 2020. “Michael Moore takes on the greens – spiked (spiked-online.com) (May 5).
Phillips, Leigh. 2020. “Planet of the Anti-Humanists (jacobinmag.com)” (May 4).
Mosher, Steven W. 2020. Why eco-leftists are suddenly turning on Michael Moore (nypost.com) (May 2).
McTeague, Dan. 2020. Canadians for Affordable Energy
- Planet of the Humans Part 2: What They Got Wrong – Canadians for Affordable Energy (May 6).
- Planet of the Humans: What Michael Moore got right – Canadians for Affordable Energy (May 1).
Shellenberger, Michael. 2020. “New Michael Moore-Backed Documentary On YouTube Reveals Massive Ecological Impacts Of Renewables.” Forbes (April 21).
Breitbart News. 2019. “Michael Moore-backed Doc, ‘Planet of the Humans,’ Tackles ‘False Promises’ of Green Energy.” Breitbart News (August 8).
Mixed: Environmentalist
Read, Rupert and Deepak Rughani. 2020. REVIEW: Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans – ‘Heartbreaking Genius of Staggering Over-Simplification’ – Byline Times (May 14).
Engler, Yves. 2020. Planet of the Humans backlash (May 10).
Generally favorable: (neo)Malthusians
Rees, William. 2020. Crossroads for Planet of the Humans — The Steady State Herald (May 27).
Frey, Sybille. 2020. Michael Moore Presents: Planet of the Humans | Full Documentary | Directed by Jeff Gibbs – MAHB (stanford.edu) (May 9).
Czech, Brian. 2020. Planet of the Humans Puts Sacred Cows Out to Pasture (steadystate.org) (May 1).
Cafaro, Philip and Jane O’Sullivan. 2020. Planet of the Humans: New Film Shakes Up a Complacent Environmental Movement – The Overpopulation Project (overpopulation-project.com) (April 28).
Wockner, Gary. 2020. Planet Of The Humans: Highly Recommended | by Gary Wockner | Medium (April 28).
Generally negative: environmentalists
Whitlock, Robyn. 2020. Panorama – Just Plain Wrong: The false claims, errors and outdated information that is Planet of the Humans – Energías Renovables, el periodismo de las energías limpias. (energias-renovables.com) (May 13).
Vetter, David. 2020. What Michael Moore’s New Climate Documentary Gets Wrong About Renewables (forbes.com) (May 13).
Sobhani, Maher. 2020. Planet of the Humans-Documentary Review – Niskanen Center (May 8).
Monbiot, George. 2020. How did Michael Moore become a hero to climate deniers and the far right? | George Monbiot | The Guardian (May 7).
Avery, Helen. 2020. Planet of the Humans: Beware the environmental capitalists | Euromoney (May 7).
Sasso, Eduardo. 2020 Planet of the Humans: Reviewing the Film and its Reviews – Resilience (May 7).
Alcorn, Zane. 2020. Planet of the Humans: a muddy cocktail of valid criticisms, disinformation and defeatism | MR Online (May 2).
McKibben, Bill. 2020. Bill McKibben: How Michael Moore Damages Our Most Important Goal – Rolling Stone (May 1).
Nuccitelli, Dana. 2020. Michael Moore’s ‘Planet of the Humans’ documentary peddles dangerous climate denial » Yale Climate Connections (May 1).
Fox, Josh. 2020. Meet the New Flack for Oil and Gas: Michael Moore | The Nation (April 30).
Stokes, Leah. 2020. Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans gets clean energy and climate activism terribly wrong – Vox (April 28).
Kaufman, Cynthia. 2020. Opinion | Mobilizing Climate Action in the Face of Planet of the Humans | Cynthia Kaufman (commondreams.org) (April 28).
Atkin, Emily. 2020. Really, Michael Moore? (heated.world) (April 27).
Tincq, Benjamin. 2020. 10 Reasons « Planet of the Humans » Gets Everything Wrong on Climate and Energy | by Benjamin Tincq | Medium (April 26).
Joshi, Ketan. 2020. Planet of the humans: A reheated mess of lazy, old myths – Ketan Joshi (April 24).
Wallis, Timmon. 2020. Skepticism Is Healthy, but Planet of the Humans Is Toxic (filmsforaction.org) (April 23).
Bradshaw, Peter. 2020. Planet of the Humans review – contrarian eco-doc from the Michael Moore stable | Documentary films | The Guardian (April 22).
Wesoff, Eric. 2020. New Michael Moore film charges enviro leaders have ‘lost their way’ and ‘sold out to corporate interests’ – pv magazine USA (pv-magazine-usa.com) (April 22).