Food Policy
Reviews and media reactions to Pierre’s co-authored book The Locavore’s Dilemma can be found on the book’s website.
Kline, Jesse. 2021. “The Capitalist Manifesto: The miracles that allowed us to feed the world (and those who would have us return to a time of famine).” National Post (December 23).
Retail Council of Canada. 2020. “Is it better to source food locally or globally?” (June 23).
Lonergan, Patricia. 2019. “UTM Professor Challenges Benefits of 100-mile diet.” UTM News (December 5).
Anonymous. 2019. “Local food not safer, healthier or better for environment: Fraser Institute study.” Farmers News (November 19).
Gyarmati, Sandor. “Popham Defends Farm-to-table after Report Pans It.” Delta Optimist (October 25, 2019).
Roy, Mathilde. 2018. “Les fausses bonnes idées – Les frontières de l’achat local.” Protégez-vous (October), p. 13.
Taylor, Peter. 2017. “Small isn’t Beautiful.” Report on Business (The Globe and Mail) (November) pp. 5-6.
Marchal, Mathias 2017. “Ces grands sauveurs méconnus.” Métro (February 24).
Côté-Paulette, Colin. 2016. “Pourquoi le prix des aliments augmente-t-il?” La sentinelle (March 2, 2016).
Persico, Amanda. 2016. “Coping with Soaring Food Costs.” Markham Economist & Sun (January 21, 2016).
Mihai, Andreea. 2015. “Chartwells to be Fairtrade Certified Soon.” The Medium (September 14).
Mojtehedzadeh, Sara. 2015. “GreenbeltAapp is like Uber for your Tomatoes.” Toronto Star (May 15).
Moreau, Alexandre. 2015. “Faire pousser des ananas en Antarctique.” Prince Arthur Herald (May 5).
Legagnoux, Mari. 2014. “The Truth Behind Not-So-Superfoods.” Borgen Magazine (August 21).
Lagerquist, Jeff. 2014. “Gourmet Pizza Might soon Become a Better Buy.”
Scutti, Susan. 2013. “The Perks Of Locavore Lifestyle: Groceries On A Budget And Good Health.” Medical Daily (June 10).
Foster, Peter. 2013. “Locavore Humpty had a Small Fall.” National Post (June 5).
Moyes, Mark. 2013. “What’s the Point of ‘Local’ Food?” The Loop (May 30).
Maurais, Dominic. 2013. “Une épicerie fleur de lys. ” Le Journal de Québec (May 17).
Cari Wade Gervin. 2011. “Can the Locavore Movement Change the Face of Tennessee Agriculture?” Metro Pulse (Knoxville, Tennessee), October 19.
–, “Going Local Is No Magic Bullet for Agriculture.” Sustainability: Science, Practice, & Policy Blog, March 15, 2011.
Jared Margulies, “The Locavore debate, revisited.” Center for a Livable Future, March 11, 2011.
–, “O fim dos mitos verdes.” Blog do Projeto Integrado, Março 2011.
Ir JM Moreau, “Autosuffisance alimentaire et Développement durable.” January 3, 2011.
Bill Richards, “Food Miles.” The Season, November 1st, 2010.
Giordano Masini, “Vizi (tanti) e virtù (poche) della ‘spesa a km zero’.”, November 1st, 2010.
Sandy Clark. “Critics stir debate on local food movements.”, October 26, 2010.
Steffen Hentrich, “Kommt alles Gute aus der Region?” Blog des Liberalen Instituts, October 19, 2010.
Shannon Kimball, “Buying local: the locavore debate.” The McGill Tribune, September 27, 2010.
Helene York, “Still No Tomatoes: Is Global Warming to Blame?” The Atlantic, September 14, 2010.
Wayne Roberts, “My flash in the storm: I’m not debating right-wingers on local food any more.” NOW Magazine, September 9-16, 2010.
Allison Cross, “‘Ethical eating’ begins at home.” Edmonton Journal, September 7, 2010.
Allison Cross, “More Canadians want to know where their food comes.” Vancouver Sun, September 7, 2010.
Monica Eng, “Food fights: Locavores, conventional food fans battle over benefits.” Chicago Tribune, September 2, 2010.
Pierre Jury, “L’achat local attaqué par des économistes.” Le Droit, August 17, 2010.
Lloyd Alter, “Stop Eating Fossil Fuels, Start Eating Food.” TreeHugger, August 3, 2010.
Sylvain Daignault, “Acheter des produits locaux pas nécessairement mieux pour la planète.” Le Soleil de Châteaugay, March 24, 2010.
Sylvain Daignault, “L’IEDM dans les patates selon l’UPA.” Le Soleil de Châteaugay, March 24, 2010.
Jean-Philippe Vermette, “Localement vôtre.” L’intérêt public, March 23, 2010.
Gilles Bourque, “L’empreinte écologique d’un taco : 100 000 km.” Oikos Blogue, March 19, 2010.
Bloglive, “La bouffe de chez nous.” Bloglive, March 18, 2010.
Sarah Elton and P. Desrochers, “Local food: Is it good or bad?” The Globe and Mail, March 17, 2010.
Paul-André Parent, “À la défense de l’agriculture locale.” L’Éclaireur Progrès, March 5, 2010.
Fabrien Deglise, “A beau mal goûter qui vient de loin.” Le Devoir, February 27, 2010.
Mark Cardwell, “Food Miles Stance Hogwash for Local Producers,” FCC Express (Farm Credit Canada), February 26, 2010.
Ariane Chenard, “L’achat local de nourriture et l’émission de gaz à effet de serre.” L’Aut’Journal, February 23, 2010.
Guy Lacroix (Agence QMI), “Pas mieux d’acheter local : L’UPA réagit.”, February 22, 2010.
–, “L’achat local n’est pas si vert.”, February 18, 2010.
Jean-François Cliche, “Achat local de nourriture – Les consommateurs ont besoin de guides.” Le Soleil, February 18, 2010.
co2ref, “Pas toujours vert.” Co2ref’s Blog, February 17, 2010.
– (Agence QMI), “Achat alimentaire local: l’étude serait incomplète.”, February 17, 2010.
Jean-François Cliche, “Pas toujours verts, les produits locaux.” Le Soleil, February 17, 2010.
Piel Côté, “Achat de vivres locales: néfaste pour l’environnement?” La Frontière, February 17, 2010.
Alain Dubuc, “Le kilomètre alimentaire, un mythe?” La Presse, February 17, 2010.
– (NNL Staff), “‘Food Miles’ questioned by study.”, February 16, 2010.
Marie-Ève Shaffer, “Acheter local n’est pas nécessairement vert.” Métro Montréal, February 16, 2010.
Anna Mehler Paperny, “Urban food strategy unveiled.” The Globe and Mail, February 16, 2010.
Monique Beaudin, “Eating Local not Good for the Environment, Montreal Group Says.” The Gazette, February 16, 2010.
– (Radio-Canada), “Empreinte écologique – Des bateaux plutôt que des camionnettes.”, p. Web, February 16, 2010.
– (QMI Agency), “Buying locally-grown food doesn’t help environment: report.”, p. Web, February 16, 2010.
Michel Munger, “L’achat alimentaire local ne serait pas si écologique.”, February 16, 2010.
–, “Study: ‘Food miles’ are environmental myth.”, February 16, 2010.
Blake Hurst, “Farmer Knows Best – The Dark Side of Going Green.” The Weekly Standard, February 8, 2010.
Tom Cruickshank, “The Top Ten Trends in Country Living – Trend 1: Local Diet.” Harrowsmith Country Life, February 2010.
Kevin Libin, “Repenser l’alimentation écologique : manger global, et non local.”, January 18, 2010.
Jason Rehel, “Jennifer Sygo: Dietary Directions for 2010.” National Post, December 31, 2009.
Stéphanie Bérubé, “Les légumes écolos ne sont pas ceux que vous croyez.” La Presse, December 12, 2009.
Kevin Libin, “Rethinking Green: Eat Global, Not Local.” National Post, December 8, 2009.
Jessica Leeder, “U of T prof trumpets – 10,000-mile diet.” The Globe and Mail, December 4, 2009.
Siri Agrell et al. “25 Ideas that are Changing the World. No. 21: The 100-mile Diet is Ruining the Planet.” Toronto Life, December 2009
Divya Acharya. “Food Fight: One professor who is not afraid to go against the grain.” U of T – Research & Graduate, November 25, 2009.
Smith, Elaine, “Toronto Life magazine high on U of T research – Faculty generate 10 of top 25 world-changing ideas.” News@UofT, November 18, 2009.
Alter, Lloyd. “Attacking the 100 Mile Diet is the News Meme of the Moment.”, October 28, 2009.
Le, Julia. “UTM ‘fights’ about food.”, October 27, 2009.
Peter Shawn Taylor, “Save the planet – buy California berries,” Waterloo Region Record, September 18, 2009.
Vibha Mehta, “Watch Your Carbon Foodprint!” Beyond Profit, August 21, 2009.
–, “Local food economy VS global—the big difference is two-fold.”, July 28, 2009.
Dave Bedard, “Lower ‘food miles’ may not be greener.” GrainNews, July 27 2009.
Peter Evans, “Local food no green panacea: professor.” CBC, July 22, 2009.
Geoff Thomas, “The Ideal Distance from Farm to Fork.” UofT Magazine, Summer 2009.
Josée Descôteaux, “Achat local: la proximité n’est pas une panacée.” Affaires universitaires, 9 mars, 2009.
Gunilla Kinn, Transportdebatten rullar pa, Ekoladen VeckansEko 12, 2009 (in Swedish).
John Stewart, “Professor upsets local apple cart.” The Mississauga News, December 18, 2008.
Geoff Thomas, “‘Buy Local’ Not the Answer to Smaller Carbon Footprint, Professor Argues,” University of Toronto Mississauga: News, December 17, 2008.
Lorne Gunter, “The 100-Mile, Non-Fattening, Pointless Political Fad.” National Post, November 12, 2008.
Peter Foster, “Just Plain Bananas.” National Post, November 7, 2008.
Ronald Bailey, “The Food Miles Mistake – Saving the Planet by Eating New Zealand Apples,” Reason, November 4, 2008.
Other Policy Issues
Reviews and media reactions to Pierre’s co-authored book Population Bombed! Exploding the Link Between Overpopulation and Climate Change can be found here.
Reviews and media reactions to Pierre’s co-edited book Silent Spring at 50. The False Crises of Rachel Carson can be found here.
Dhalla, Sahir. 2022. “Are increasing populations truly dangerous for humanity? As the human population grows, we need to be proactive about taking care of each other.” The Varsity (December 4).
Bradley Jr, Robert. 2021. “Population Bombed! (revisiting a modern classic).” Master Resource (June 22).
Jaremko, Deborah. 2021. “University of Waterloo to divest from oil and gas, but has accepted millions from oil and gas donors. Decision goes against the view of most Canadian institutional investors.” Canadian Energy Centre (June 22).
Corcoran, Terence. 2021. “Dear Jim Pattison: Beware ‘woke’ capitalism.” Financial Post (March 5).
Jaremko, Deborah. 2020. “Hard lessons from Ontario’s green shift.” Canadian Energy Centre (June 15).
Couturier, Brice. 2019 “Colapsologie : prise de conscience récente, ou regain du bon vieux malthusianisme?” France Culture (October 15).
Goldstein, Lorrie. 2019 “Green Energy? Don’t do what Ontario did.” Toronto Sun (July 30).
Corcoran, Terence. 2018. “The Population Bombers keep on Bombing – and 50 years on they keep getting it wrong.” National Post (January 3).
Lauzon, Léo-Paul. 2017. “Le capitalisme nouveau ou comment rire jaune?” Le Journal de Montréal (December 26).
Lemieux, Pierre. 2017. “Uber isn’t the one with an ‘attitude problem.’ Quebec’s politicians are.” National Post (October 4) (Reposted in Ottawa Citizen and Vancouver Sun).
Lauzon, Léo-Paul. 2017. “Le réchauffement: rien qu’un canular?” Le Journal de Montréal (September 26).
Lachance, Sébastien. 2017. “Classement minier: le N.-B. désavantagé par ses ressources.” Acadie Nouvelle (March 2).
“Clean Technology in Canada’s Natural Resource Sectors.” Standing Committee on Natural Resources (Canadian House of Commons). RNNR meeting no. 46 (February 23, 2017) (Ottawa, ON).
Baril, Hélène. 2017. “Le Québec grimpe dans l’estime des compagnies minières.” La Presse (February 28).
Lavigne, Natacha. 2017. “L’Ontario moins attrayant aux yeux des investisseurs miniers.” (February 28).
Sawchuk, Bill. 2016. “Closeup: Niagara will soon have to Decide if it Wants Photo Radar.” St. Catharines Standard (November 24).
Shah, Maryam. 2016. “Building Bureaucracy Costs Twice as much in Toronto: Fraser Institute.” Toronto Sun (October 4).
JWN Staff. 2016. “Desrochers: Six Quotes about what’s Wrong with Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns.” JWN Energy (September 9).
Haydu, Carter. 2016. “Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns Are A Poor Use Of Activists’ Energy, Says U Of T Professor.” Daily Oil Bulletin (July 22).
Haydu, Carter. 2016. “The Problem with Fossil Fuel Divestment Campaigns.” JWN Energy (July 22).
Peterson, Rachelle. 2016. “Canada’s Crusade against Fossil Fuels.” NAS Blog (July 20).
Anonymous. 2016. “Delays in Building and Land Development helps Push up Home Prices.” (July 7).
Kelly-Gagnon, Michel. 2016. “It’s Time To Embrace Green Innovation (Wherever It Emerges).” Huffington Post (Canada), July 4.
Gillis, Charlie. 2016. “How Kathleen Wynne has Ontario going backwards.” Maclean’s (June 28, 2016).
Jasmin Guénette, Jasmin. 2016. “À quand la (vraie) fin du monde?” Huffington Post (Quebec) (May 10).
Bradley, Rob. 2016. “Recycling: Uneconomic Is Wasteful.” Master Resource (April 12).
Madani, Aayushi. 2016. “Professor Debunks Claim Fossil Fuels Damage Planet.” The College Fix (March 26).
Leef, George. 2016. “Shocking News: Socialist Students Don’t Care about Free Speech.” National Review (Phi Beta Cons) (March 24).
White, Chris. 2016. “University Of Michigan Group’s ‘Fossil Fuels’ Flyers Torn Up By Pro-Socialism Activists.” The Daily Caller (March 23).
Bouchard, Marc. 2016. “Les radars photos ont rapporté 89 millions $” Huffington Post Québec (March 4).
Morin, Annie. 2016. “Récolter de l’argent est l’objectif des radars photo, selon un chercheur.” Le Soleil (February 23).
Jones, Luke. 2015. “Automated Traffic Enforcement Technologies do not make Roads Safer.” (December 23).
Lane, Graham. 2015. “For Safety or Greed? Traffic enforcement in Manitoba is now just another tax.” Winnipeg Sun (December 17).
Marty, Belén. 2015. “Report: Canada’s Automatic Traffic Controls Bring Dollars, Not Safety.” PanAm Post (December 15).
Lauzon, Léo-Paul. 2015. “Le capitalisme communiste.” Le Journal de Montréal (August 17).
McAllister, Christina. 2015. “K-Cup Environmental Concerns Overrated: Faculty.” Humber EtCetera (March 27).
Descôteaux, David. 2015. “Capitalism is Compatible with the Environment.” CPA Magazine (January) : 22.
Stroner, Nicole. 2014. “TTIP: Another Step in the (Lack of) Evolution in EU Trade Agreements.” CEI Blog (December 9).
Mullin, Malone. 2014. “The Consumption Conundrum.” The Varsity (November 28).
Sans Chan, Tricia. 2014. “Keystone XL gets the thumbs up from U.S. Congress.” Humber News (November).
“Conservatives Tout Fossil Fuels as Way to Improve Air and Water Quality.” PressProgress (Broadbent Institute) (June 13, 2014).
Mitchell, Matthew. “And the Winner of the ‘Worst Tax Policy’ Oscar Is …” US News and World Report (Economic Intelligence blog) (February 19, 2014).
Horwitz, Steven. 2013. “The Calling: Markets Turn Waste into Want – Satisfaction.” Explore Freedom (Future of Freedom Foundation) (June 20).
– French translation in Contrepoints (June 24, 2013)
Smith, Fred. 2013. “Profits, Despite What You Hear, Do Not Equal Environmental Pollution.” Forbes (May 29).
Dubuc, André. 2013. “Le DIX30 voit grand.” La Presse (April 30).
“Do we need a crude oil intervention?” Oil Sands Question and Response (OSQAR) Blog, November 14, 2012.
Di Paola, Mike. 2012. “JFK Fought DDT in Rachel Carson’s Environmental Crusade.” Bloomberg (September 18).
Steven Hayward. 2012. “Green Weenie of the Week: Posthumous Rachel Carson Edition” Power Line, September 16.
James P. Sterba. 2012. “How Nature Made a Comeback.” The Wall Street Journal, August 31.
Gary Moore. 2012. “Patently Clear? The Case for Protecting Artistic Works and Inventions.”, January 23.
Jane Macdougall, “Seven billion human beings: It’s a number we can’t ponder.” National Post, November 5.
Bradley Jr., Robert. 2011. “‘Energy and Society’ Course: Professor Desrochers’s Model for the Academy.” MasterResource, October 7.
Blackwell, Tom. 2011. “Earth at seven billion.” National Post, August 13.
Jeff Riggenbach, “Jane Jacobs: Libertarian Outsider.” Mises Daily, April 28, 2011.
Marie-Claude Bourdon, “Crier haro sur le bungalow?” RND, Mars-Avril 2011, pp. 2-5.
Andrew Cain, “Faculty Spotlight Interview: Pierre Desrochers.” Mises Economics Blog, December 17, 2010.
Stephan Kinsella, “Desrochers, ‘Excludability, Creativity and the Case Against the Patent System’.” Center for the Study of Innovative Freedom, December 21.
Stefanie Marotta, “Activist Tom Rand addresses environmental crisis issues.” Medium Online, November 22, 2010.
Rebecca Penty, “Guru suggests higher tax breaks for remote N.B. communities.” New Brunswick Business Journal, October 15, 2010.
Pascal Niyonsaba, “Océans: la propriété au service de l’environnement.” ORINFOR – Rwanda Bureau Of Information and Broadcasting, October 14-18, 2010.
Sylvie Dugas, “Océans: la propriété au service de l’environnement?”, October 11, 2010.
Eve-Lyne Couturier and Guillaume Hébert, “Oui, il y a pénurie de logements.” La Presse, July 9, 2010.
Léo-Paul Lauzon, “Le capitalisme de gauche.” Métro (Montréal), June 3, 2010.
Patrick Meagher, “Bad for environment? but people can be so good” Eastern Ontario Farmers Forum, May 31, 2010.
William Griesinger, “‘The Environmental Responsibility of Business is to Increase Its Profits’ (P. Desrochers on capitalism & environmentalism).” MasterResource, May 4, 2010.
Danil Royer, “La crise.” L’Intérêt public, March 23, 2010.
Robert Bradley Jr. “The Perfect Energy Course? (Pierre Desrochers’ “Energy & Society” class about as good as it gets).” MasterResource – A free-market energy blog, March 6, 2010.
Greg Slabodkin. “Is UB 2020 the Answer?” Buffalo News, February 21, 2010.
Jenny Lunn, “The Cost of Waste.” Geography Directions (Royal Geographical Society and Institute of British Geographers), December 2, 2009.
Levay, Lauren. 2009. “Balancing the conversion in Quebec media.” Working Forest Newspaper (October 9).
Andrea Rinaldi. 2007. “Naturally better. Science and Technology are Looking to Nature’s Successful Designs for Inspiration“ EMBO Reports 8 (11): 8, 995-999.
Amirbek Usmanov. “Pierre Desrochers: Foreign Capital Goes to the Countries that Protect Property Rights.” Radio-Free Europe, April 24, 2006 (in Kyrgyz).
Andrea Mandel-Campbell, “Clear-cutting the lumber business.” Macleans, January 23, 2006.
Mathieu-Étienne Gagnon, “Caduques, les écolos? Les groupes environnementaux contestés,” Montréal Campus, October 12, 2005.
Mychah Rynor, “Being Doctor to an Ailing World,” news@UofT, December 3, 2004.
Alison Cartier, “Le regard d’un universitaire québécois.” Observatoire Boivigny, October 31, 2003.
Joseph Sternberg, “Saving the Planet with Capitalism,” The Wall Street Journal, August 19, 2002.
Sarah Elton and P. Desrochers, “Local food: Is it good or bad?” The Globe and Mail, March 17, 2010.
– “Is eating local worth it?“ The Globe and Mail, December 7, 2009.
– “Debate – Professors square off on local food.” The Globe and Mail, December 7, 2009.
Links to the interviews about The Locavore’s Dilemma can be found on the book’s website.
Links to the interviews about Population Bombed can be found on the book’s website.
• SRC Radio Première Chaîne (CBC Radio French)
– La fin du gel des prix dans les épiceries. Sur le vif. (Ottawa-Gatineau) (February 1, 2023). (February 1) (Host: Philippe Marcoux).
– L‘épicerie plus chère à partir de février. Y’a pas deux matins pareils. (Toronto) (February 1, 2023) (Host: Nicolas Haddad).
– Débat sur la souveraineté alimentaire avec Pierre Desrochers & Claude Villeneuve. Bien entendu (August 3, 2021) (host : Stéphan Bureau).
– Manger local, est-ce vraiment écologique? Bien entendu (July 13) (host : Stéphan Bureau).
– L’impact de l’abrogation de la Loi sur l’énergie verte. Y’a pas deux matins pareils, October 1st, 2018.
– Écosocio : l’achat local, mythes et réalités. Y’a pas deux matins pareils, September 26, 2017.
– La Saskatchewan, numéro un mondial pour l’exploitation minière. Point du jour, March 1, 2017.
– Consommation : doit-on uniquement consommer des produits ontariens?, Y’a pas deux matins pareils, October 26, 2016.
– Industrie alimentaire vs Local : L’opinion du professeur Pierre Desrochers, Grands Lacs café, November 8, 2014.
– Alimentation Locale, Y a pas deux matins pareils, February 24, 2010.
– La portée de l’achat local, Christiane Charette, February 18, 2010.
– L’achat local mauvais pour l’environnement, L’heure de pointe, February 16, 2010.
– Achats locaux : un choix écolo?, Désautels, February 16, 2010.
– La souveraineté alimentaire et l’achat local : une mode éphémère, Commentaires Radio-Canada et, February 15, 2010.
– La lutte de Pierre Desrochers contre l’achat local, La Semaine verte (December 13, 2009).
– La nature est plus forte que tout, les écooptimistes en jouissent, Macadam Tribus (February 15, 2008).
– Table ronde sur la rencontre de Bali, Ouvert le Samedi (December 15, 2007).
– Rêvez-vous encore de la banlieue?, Maisonneuve en direct (June 22, 2006).
– Les banlieues, la solution?, Y a pas deux matins pareil (June 21, 2006).
– Les bienfaits de la banlieue sur Montréal Désautels (June 20, 2006).
– Le débat (sur l’écologie et l’environnement) Des idées plein la tête (November 28, 2005).
– Le profit et l’environnement, Les affaires et la vie (April 26, 2003).
• CBC Radio (CBC Radio English)
Food Security: Is it better to ‘eat local’ or global? The 180 (October 11, 2015).
“Overpopulation” The Current (part 3) (June 14, 2010).
Local Food, A Fad that Won’t Last, CBC Radio Commentary and, February 15, 2010.
• Radio Canada International (CBC Radio International)
Campagne électoral et environnement (January 12, 2006).
Discussion on recycling on “One Planet” (May 21, 2006).
• Power Hour (Center for Industrial Progress)
Pierre Desrochers on the Bet (Sept 29, 2015)
The Locavore’s Dilemma (June 9, 2012)
Capitalism and our Environment (April 7, 2012)
Various – English
– Food Policy
“Local and Lazy.” Counterpoint with Amanda Vanstone (Australian Broadcasting Corporation). (November 4, 2019).
The Young Cons (Oh Hale Yeah!) – Pierre Desrochers Enlightens your Mind, The Locavore’s Dilemma (October 22, 2015).
WPFL News (NPR – Louisville) “A Conversation on Local Food.” September 13, 2011.
Locavore or Globavore?: The Debate Over Local Food, NPR, October 4, 2010.
Carolina Journal Radio (on food miles), Program No 365.
The Second Annual Sheela Basrur Symposium – “Food, Fads, Facts and Fiction… how safe is our food?” Session 3: The Local Food Debate (Debate with Sarah Elton, The Globe and Mail) May 25, 2010.
Local Food and the Environment, NewsTalk (1010 – Toronto), Live Drive with John Tory, February 16, 2010.
Local Foods (interview with Stewart Fast, September 24 2009) Spaces, Faces and Places (Geography and Environmental Studies Radio on CKCU-FM, Ottawa, Ontario). > Download <
Crispy Podcast Episode 7, Kyle R. McKenzie interviews Pierre Desrochers on the origins and validity of the local food movement.
Joseph Quesnel, “Food Miles Fad Misinformed,” FFCP radio commentary, November 14, 2008.
– Other Issues
Voluntary Vixens. Episode 94 – To Hell With the Human Haters (September 2021) (Joanna Szurmak and Pierre Desrochers).
Information Morning – CBC Moncton with Jonna Brewer (July 30, 2019) (Renewable energy policy in Canada).
Danielle Smith Show – Global News Radio Calgary (July 30, 2019) (Renewable energy policy in Canada).
The Economic Detective (August 17, 2016) (Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement).
The Tom Woods Show (July 22, 2016) (Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement).
The Frank Beckmann Show (WJR 760, Detroit) (March 24, 2016) (Fossil Fuel Divestment Movement).
The Tom Woods Show “Ep. 501 How Libertarians Won the Bet of the Century.” (September 30, 2015).
“Jane Jacobs as Spontaneous Order Theorists” The Economics Detective (November 21, 2014).
Pierre Desrochers on Freedom Versus Coercion in Industrial Ecology (EconJournalWatch, May 22, 2012).
Carolina Journal Radio, Pierre Desrochers on environmental protection and the profit motive, April 9, 2011.
Various – French
– Food Policy
L’achat local et le food mile, WSRF 1580 AM (Miami) and Boomer 1570 (Montreal), Radio Snowbirds (February 19, 2010).
– Other Issues
Rapport du BAPE sur l’exploitation du gaz de schiste au Québec. Lemieux, c’est le matin, Radio 9 (December 17, 2014) (starts at 3:22:30).
Le pétrole d’Anticosti. Duhaime le midi, CHOI FM (February 14, 2014).
Le gaz de l’Alberta, un bon deal? Le Show du matin, Radio X Saguenay, 16 novembre 2012.
Pierre Desrochers sur les sables bitumineux (début – fin de l’entrevue) FM 103.3 (Longueuil) Les Citoyens ont raison (October 11, 2012).
Le transport en commun, l’étalement urbain et le réseau routier, Allez Debout – FM 103,3 – June 23, 2011.
L’émission de gaz à effet de serre justifie-t-elle une intervention gouvernementale? Panelist in a debate on climate change organized by the Institut économique Molinari, Paris, December 13, 2006.
“Radio Pirate et Radio XTRM (abonnement requis)
Links to the interviews about The Locavore’s Dilemma can be found on the book’s website.
– English
Danielle Smith’s Fraser Forum. 2021. A Strong Leg to Stand On: environmental policy and the profit motive (November 5).
Power Hour with Alex Epstein – Pierre Desrochers on the history of environmental catastrophism (January 20, 2021).
The Max Bernier Show – Ep. 35 : Local Food is no Panacea with Pierre Desrochers (July 22, 2020.
The Max Bernier Show – Ep. 28 : Max talks about “Planet of the Humans” with Pierre Desrochers (May 29, 2020).
Bridge City News. “Is Buying Local Products Better Overall? – Pierre Desrochers (Guest).” (November 8, 2019).
Competitive Enterprise Institute. 2017. Julian L. Simon Memorial Awardee Dr. Pierre Desrochers at the 2017 CEI Dinner.
Standing Senate Committee on Transport and Communications (Canadian Senate). TRCM meeting no. 47 “Remarks on How the Government can Help Facilitate Social Licence for Crude Oil Transportation Infrastructure.” (February 1, 2017). (Watch on CPAC) (PP slides)
BNN. 2016. “Heavy Land-Use Regulations help Home Prices Soar: Report.” The Business News (July 7).
Corbett Report Extras. 2016. “Pierre Desrochers Explains the Bet of the Century.” (February 10).
Organic Farming – Pierre (The Response) – YouTube (2015).
NHK Online. 2015. “Global Wisdom Debate: Globalization of Agriculture: How to protect our food in the 21st Century?”
Organic Panic (Channel One) “Episode 3: Organic Food” (originally aired 2014). (YouTube version)
Glass Bottled Milk: Saving the Iwig Family Dairy (produced by Benjamin Garner, 2015).
The Agenda with Steve Paikin. “Food on Earth.” (March 2, 2015).
Big Ideas Live! “How Will We Feed the World” (October 2, 2014) (Full version, Recap).
“Meet the Conservatives’ go-to expert on fossil fuels.” (PressProgress, Broadbent Institute) (June 13, 2014).
“Is Organic Food Healthier?” The Arena with Michael Coren (February 19, 2014).
“Greenhouse Emissions and Agricultural Production Systems.” Huffington Post Live (February 17, 2014).
“A History of Hydrocarbons and the Environment.” Scully the World Show (August 2013).
The Quinoa Effect on Bolivian Farmers, Huffington Post Live /, July 11, 2013.
“Innovation and the greening of Alberta’s oil sands – Pierre Desrochers.” BNN, October 11, 2012.
“7 billionth baby” Global Newshour, October 31, 2011.
The UTM Green Team, “Bottled Water: Conquering a Giant.” April 5, 2011.
Economic geographer Pierre Desrochers says the profit motive helps the environment, John Locke Foundation, August 20, 2010.
Pierre Desrochers explains why the ‘buy local’ food movement overstates environmental benefits, John Locke Foundation, May 14, 2010.
Donna Martinez, “Does Buying Local Really Save the Planet?” Right Angles, May 17, 2010.
Panelist on food mile debate, Alberta Primetime, Access TV (August 14, 2009).
Discussion on Kyoto’s missing pricetag, broadcast on RobTV’s SqueezePlay (January 11, 2006).
– Français
Le Téléjournal avec Patrice Roy. “Choisir entre décroissance et économie.” (12 décembre 2022).
Lux Media. “Occident – Écologie et Entreprenariat.” (March 18, 2022).
Le monde de la nourriture et ses nombreux mythes. Le retour de Mario Dumont, QUB radio (15 octobre 2019).
24.7, L’avenir de la planète: doit-on paniquer ou non? (27 août, 2018).
Société des musées de sciences et technologies du Canada. “RCCE: Semaine parlons énergie: Politiques publiques et précarité énergétique” (February 26, 2015).
L’agriculture locale ou industrielle?, Planète Terre, Centre d’études et de recherches internationales (Cérium), February 26, 2010.
La crise alimentaire et les dernières recommandations de l’ONU en matière environnementale pour les pays pauvres. Interview on (July 5, 2008).
Academic talks
Les Affranchis – Students For Liberty France. 2020. “Le miracle des supermarchés avec Pierre Desrochers.” May 1.
Nassau Institute and University of the Bahamas. 2017. Professor Pierre Desrochers on “The Case against Locavorism and Food Sovereignty” (Posted on December 27).
Center for Inquiry Canada. 2015. “CFIC Lecture: The Locavore’s Dilemma.” (Added on May 21).
Université d’Économie Autrichienne 2014 – Pauvreté et développement durable (Octobre 2014).
Université d’Économie Autrichienne 2014 – Énergie et pauvreté (Octobre 2014).
“Long Distance Trade and Food Security.” Canadian Regional Science Association Virtual Conference (December 16, 2013).
“La souveraineté alimentaire contre le développement durable.” Presentation made before the Réseau Liberté Québec (March 3, 2013).
“In Praise of the 10,000-Mile Diet: How the Globalized Food Supply Chain Benefits our Economy and Environment.” Wheaton College, February 22, 2012.
“TASC 2012 – Pierre Desrochers – Squandered Profit Opportunities?” Some Historical Perspective on Industrial Waste and the Porter Hypothesis by Pierre Desrochers and Colleen E. Haight.
“‘Growing the Next Silicon Valley’ The State Vs Spontaneous Order.” March 24, 2011, Public Lecture Series at the Polytechnic Museum (Moscow, Russia) (in Russian).
“In Praise of the 10,000 miles diet” Conference: Rebuilding the American Economy – One Heirloom Tomato at a Time, Woodrow Wilson Center (Princeton University), March 4, 2011.
Shaftesbury Luncheon talk (John Locke Foundation, Raleigh, North Carolina), “The Environmental Responsibility of Business is to Increase its Profits,” April 12, 2010.
Shaftesbury Luncheon talk (John Locke Foundation, Raleigh, North Carolina), “In Praise of the 10,000 mile diet: The Case against ‘Buy Local’ Food Initiatives,” March 08, 2010.
Environmental Policy Seminar 2009 (University of Toronto Mississauga): A Critique of the Food Miles Perspective
Toronto Liberty Seminar 2008 (University of Toronto): Environmental Responsibility and Corporate Profit
Les enjeux du Protocole de Kyoto et des changements climatiques. Presentation in French before Toronto’s Canadian Club, broadcasted on CPAC (May 16, 2006).