Pierre Desrochers

Useful Resources

Environmental, Medical & Technology History

My GGR 329 – Environment and the Roots of Globalization course contains numerous links to a number of topics related to the environmental, medical and technology history


• General Interest

Social Evolution and History (open access academic journal, several relevant articles).

• Environmental History

American Environmental History Bibliography

Arizona State biology professor Stephen Pyne’s Websites “Environmental Historiography – Canon and Counter-Canon” and “Introducing Environmental History

EH-Net book review library (arranged thematically)

Environmental Politics and Policy

Envirotech (Histories of the Environment and Technology) 

Forest History Society

Georgetown University historian John McNeill on:
– McNeill, John R. and Erin Stewart Mauldin (eds). 2012. A Companion to Global Environmental History. Wiley (See McNeill’s chapter on “Global Environmental History: The First 150,000 Years“)
– Mc Neill, John R. 2010. “The State of the Field of Environmental History.” Annual Review of Environment and Resources 35: 345-374.
The Historiography of Environmental History
– “Issues and Literature” in Environmental History

H-Environment Discussion Network

Historian William Cronon’s webpage on useful environmental history web links.

Latin American Environmental History

Myers and Miles’s supplementary bibliography of Environmental History and Ethics 

• History of Medicine

Historian Peter McCandless’ research seminar syllabus on
Disease, Migration and the Environment
Medical History

History in Focus: Medical History – Bibliography

• History of technology

EH-Net book review library (arranged thematically)

Envirotech (Histories of the Environment and Technology)

Florida State Historian Robert Hatch’s Annotated Bibliography on the History of Science, Technology and Medicine 


• Environmental History

H-Environment website (part of H-Net, the Humanities and Social Sciences Online initiative) especially the links to environmental resources online.

Environmental History Timeline

Environmental History on the Web

Environmental History Bibliographies

• Medical History

History of Medicine

American Association for the History of Medicine

Science Museum’s History of Medicine website

• Historical Geography

BUBL link (Historical Geography)

Historical Geography Specialty Group

H HistGeog


Globalization & World Trade

GGR 329 – Environment and the Roots of Globalization: Lectures

GGR 365 – Trade and Globalization: Lectures

GGR 387- Food and Globalization: Lectures


General Interest

Suggested sources on
– Environment and the roots of globalization
– Food and globalization

Economist Douglas Irwin’s Trade Related Links

Popular Globalization Books (GoodReads)

Best Books about Globalization (Amazon) 

World Trade Organization

UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development)
– Digital Library
– on Globalization and Development
– on International Trade

Sources of Global Data

> Gateways to numerous governmental, UN and other agencies and NGO data sources

UN Human Development Reports (International Human Development Indicators)

UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
– Statistics
– Population Division
– Forests
– Sustainable Development
– Social Policy and Development Division
– Publications

Sources of Global Data on The Globalization Website
Links with the statistical Webpages of all the major organizations, from the UN to the CIA. An easy way to find all sorts of statistics on economic growth, the environment, inequalities, women, religious movements, health, culture and other issues.

NationMaster is a fun site for quick statistics on countries.

Researching Globalization on Global Transformations
Presents a number of indicators that can be used to measure various phenomenons.

World Development Indicators (World Bank)

FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations)
– Statistics

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) – The World Factbook

International Monetary Fund (IMF) – World Outlook Database

Our World in Data

Human Progress 

> Comparative Work

Economic Freedom Network + 2013 Index of Economic Freedom
Two attempts to measure economic freedom in a large number of countries with much factual information about each country. Essential information if you want to know if a country is more or less open to trade than another.

The Corruption Perception Index + The Global Corruption Report
How corrupt is your country? How does it compare to others?

World Bank’s Doing Business (DB) survey

> Topical


Great circle mapper

Human Development Reports of the United Nations Development Program

Human Progress 

International Maritime Organization

SICE – Foreign Trade Information System (Organization of American States)
Several essays on technical issues dealing with trade relations between countries in the Americas.

The University of Texas Inequality Project
The UTIP is concerned with measuring and explaining movements of inequality in wages and earnings and patterns of industrial changes around the world.

The Global Poverty Mapping Project

Gapminder : A Fact-Based Worldview 

World Mapper 

Connectivity Atlas