Geospatial Web-based Learning Platform
Project Participants:
Yuhong He, Associate Professor, Department of Geography
Bruce Huang, GIS Specialist, Department of Geography
Kathi Wilson, Department Chair, Professor, Department of Geography
Susan Senese (Director), Rishi Arora (Manager), Kevin Lee (Manager), Joy Thomas (Senior System Administrator), Michael Yoo (System Analyst), Information and Instructional Technology Services
Andrew Peterson, Senior Lecturer & Director, Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences and Robert Gillespie Academic Skills Centre
Simone Laughton, Instructional Technology Liaison, Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre
Andrew Nicholson, GIS & Data Librarian, Hazel McCallion Academic Learning Centre
Graduate RAs/TAs: Amy Mui (GIS), Bing Lu (GIS) and Sarah Nelson (Social Science), Department of Geography
This project aims to develop and improve a web-based geospatial learning platform that will enhance the undergraduate learning environment for a large number of students by increasing opportunities to access virtual geospatial labs when physical labs are not available or difficult to access. The web-based geospatial learning platform will consist of THREE components that reflect the three key principles of Universal Design for Learning:
- A virtual (online) laboratory component that enables students to complete geospatial analyses by accessing spatial data and software through the Internet. The geospatial software packages will be installed only on a server which eliminates the need for multiple individual licenses for each student or each lab computer. Students will access data and software through the Internet, providing complete independence from a geographic location;
- An instruction component that includes detailed laboratory instructions and video screen captures of important laboratory exercise steps will be developed to guide students through lab practices and assignments; and
- An online communication component that provides a sense of community and facilitates interaction between instructors, TAs, and students that is normally experienced in traditional face-to-face learning environments.
Our long term goal is to develop a tri-campus multi-disciplinary web-based learning platform for enabling virtual learning in a data-rich and computationally-powerful environment.
Geospatial Web-based Learning Platform Configuration:
Instructions and Reports:
- Instruction on how to use the platform
- Using the Geospatial Software and Accessing the Lab Data
- Survey Questions Winter – 2015
- Survey summary Fall & Winter 2014-15
- Publication – Development of a Web-Enabled Learning Platform for Geospatial Labs: Improving the Undergraduate Learning Experience