Recent Context
Slav, Irina. 2022. “Energy transition in agony.” Irina Slav on Energy (April 15).
Doomberg. 2022 “Shooting Oil in a Barrel” (January 31).
Meyer, Robinson. 2022. “America Is the World’s Largest Oil Producer. So Why Is Losing Russia’s Oil Such a Big Deal? The U.S. might be “energy independent,” but it still can’t control production.” The Atlantic (March 8).
Tröndle, Tim, Stefan Pfenninger and Johan Lilliestam. 2019 “Home-made or imported: On the possibility for renewable electricity autarky on all scales in Europe.” Energy Strategy Reviews 26: 100388.
Moss, Timothy and Maria Francesch-Huidobro. 2016. “Realigning the electric city. Legacies of energy autarky in Berlin and Hong Kong.” Energy Research & Social Sciences 11 (January): 225-236.
Terzic, Branko. 2013. Energy independence and security: A reality check. Deloitte University Press.
Exner-Pinot, Heather. 2022. “Canada is hoarding its resources. Our allies have noticed” National Post (August 24).
Government of Canada. 2010. Canadian Energy Security.
Pro-autarky or self-sufficiency
Wikipedia – Energy Independence.
Hernández, Álvaro Rangel. 2022. “Geopolitics of the energy transition: Energy security, new dependencies and critical raw materials. Old wine in new bottles for the EU?” Bruges Political Research Papers / Cahiers de recherche politique de Bruges, No 87.
Treece, Kiah. 2021. “The Energy Independence and Security Act: Summary and Impact.” Treehugger (October 10).
Pieńkowski, Dariusz and Wojciech Zbaraszewski. 2019. “Sustainable Energy Autarky and the Evolution of German Bioenergy Villages.” Sustainability 11 (18): 4996.
Ecker, Franz, Ulf J. J. Hahnel and Hans Spada. 2017. “Promoting Decentralized Sustainable Energy Systems in Different Supply Scenarios: The Role of Autarky Aspiration.” Frontiers in Energy Research vol. 5, article 14.
Mueller, Matthias Otto et al. 2011. « Energy autarky: A conceptual framework for sustainable regional development.” Energy Policy 39 (10):5800-5810.
Written Testimony of Robert Bryce Before the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources United States Senate: “To examine the causes, outlook, and implications of domestic and international energy price trends.” November 16, 2021
Cato Institute. 2019. “Energy Security.”
Gholz, Eugene. 2016. “Maintaining U.S. Energy Security” In Our Foreign Policy Choices: Rethinking America’s Global Role, eds. Christopher Preble, Emma Ashford, and Travis Evans (Cato Institute).
Griffin, James M. 2015. “Petro-Nationalism: The Futile Search for Oil Security.” The Energy Journal 36 (Special issue): 25-41.
Lester, Simon. 2013. “The Goal Should Be Energy Interdependence.” The International Economy (Fall).
Bryce, Robert. 2008. “The Delusions of “Energy Independence.”” Innovations (Fall): 39-49.
Henderson, David R. 2008. “Lets Not Be Energy Independent.” The Freeman: Ideas on Liberty, Vol. 58 No. 8 (October).
Taylor, Jerry and Peter van Doren. 2008. “The Energy Security Obsession.” The Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy 6 (2) (Summer).
Roberts, Paul. 2008. “The Seven Myths of Energy Independence.” Mother Jones, May/June Issue.
Shurtleff, Sean. 2008. “Energy Independence in Brazil: Lessons for the United States.” NCPA Brief Analysis (614), April 7.
Doherty, Brian. 2008. “The Impossible Dream of Energy Independence. Energy Analyst Robert Bryce Explains Why Trying to Make All Our Own Power is a Foolish Idea.” Reason (February 20).
Gholz, Eugene and Daryl G. Press. 2007. Energy Alarmism: The Myths That Make Americans Worry about Oil. Cato Institute Policy Analysis no 589.
Auerswald, Philip E. 2006 “The Myth of Energy Insecurity.” Issues in Science and Technology 22 (4) (Summer).
Bailey, Ron. 2004. “Energy Independence: The Ever-Receding Mirage. 30 Years of Presidential Futility and Failure.” ReasonOnline, July 21.
Taylor, Jerry. 2004. “Energy Independence? Kerry’s Dreaming.” Cato Institute, August 24.